Last Updated: January 01, 2o21
Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks
Welcome to Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks!
Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks is a community movement of spreading positivity and changing lives with one kindness rock at a time throughout the Emerald Coast and even the entire universe. Additionally, both members and volunteers of Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks participate in monthly community service projects, such as fundraising for non-profit and charitable organizations, coordinating donation drives and community cleanups, and executing various types of activities promoting kindness and inspiration.
Group Rules:
1. Be respectful to everyone.
Do not treat someone differently based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
2. No discriminatory comments.
No racist, sexist, homophobic, or other discriminatory comments allowed. You will be immediately removed if you make such comments.
3. Keep discussions relevant.
Any messages or pictures posted must be relevant to either kindness rocks as a whole or specifically to Emerald Coast Kindness Rocks.
4. Spamming is prohibited.
Spamming is defined as reposting the same message more than twice, excessively using caps, or using unnecessary spacing.
5. Advertising is strictly prohibited.
You will be immediately removed if you are posting any form of advertisements. Additionally, you cannot solicit donations or perform fundraising efforts.
6. Comply with moderation commands.
You are required to follow the directions and commands given to you by a staff member of this group. You will be removed if you refuse to do so.
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
April 1, 2022
Created by