Last Updated: January 01, 2o21
Infraction Appeal Form
Do you feel that you have been incorrectly warned, muted, suspended, temporarily banned, or permanently banned from either The Plaza Online Community or one of our official or associated Discord servers, including The Plaza Company, Advertisement Plaza, Gaming Plaza, EasyAd, and Partnership Universe? If so, appealing the warning, mute, suspension, temporary ban, or permanent ban is the best way to forever remove the infraction against your account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have any questions about our Infraction Appeal Form? If so, please check out the FAQ section located below. If it doesn't answer a question of yours, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
What can I appeal from my account?
You can appeal the following infractions: warnings, mutes, suspensions, temporary bans, and permanent bans. It is not possible to appeal any infractions older than 365 days. If you received a permanent ban without the chance to appeal it, you cannot submit an appeal to remove the infraction against your account.
What communities am I allowed to appeal an infraction?
We allow infraction appeals from the following communities: The Plaza Online Community (i.e., Community Groups and Community Forums), The Plaza Company, the Advertisement Plaza, Gaming Plaza, EasyAd, and Partnership Universe.
How do I find out the reason I was banned?
You will receive a notice explaining the circumstances of your removal from one of our communities. If you did not receive a notice or you are unable to access it, please get in touch with us.
Where do I find out the outcome of my infraction appeal?
We will email you the outcome of your infraction appeal within 14 days. If you included your
Discord username in the appeal form or have an account on our website, we will also attempt to contact you on those platforms. Please note: all infraction appeal decisions are final and not appealable.
Questions? Contact us!
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